Reading is dreaming with open eyes
Reading... What an incredible way of spending your time. As far as I am concerned, reading should be a must for everybody. While you are reading, you can dream with open eyes and even imagine new worlds and experience new adventures just sitting on your sofa or taking the train back home. The pictures you can find in the activity I am focusing on show different people reading in different ways. Some of them are doing it in the library, while others are reading in the street. Some of them are holding paper books while others prefer e-books. We can also find people at different stages in their lives: from kids to teenagers and also adults. And we can also find people reading alone while others do it together or receiving help. The feeling everyone owns while reading can be as different as personalities of each individual. While you are reading, you may also switch from one emotion to another just in a few seconds: happiness, sadness, anxiety, mystery, excitement... ...